The Next President of the United States is….

With the discovery made by BridgeAnne d’Avignon, a 12 year old and 7th grader from California, uncovering the fact that all of the U.S. Commanders-in chief, except for Martin Van Buren, our eighth President, are all linked to King John Lackland Plantagenet, known for signing the Magna Carta in 1215, it shouldn’t be too difficult … More The Next President of the United States is….

The Seniam Mid-Year State of the Union Opinion

It’s August 1st, nine months into the year 2016, 240 years after our country fought and won our independence from England.  Just think of all the advancements and achievements the hard-working people of this country have made those two and a half centuries.  Candles and kerosene to electric and LED lighting, horses and carriages to … More The Seniam Mid-Year State of the Union Opinion

“Alone To Die”

Thousands a day are scared, suffering in pain, and left alone to die.  Some by natural causes, some by homelessness, some by starvation, some by environmental catastrophe, many by vehicular homicide, and it is those, left to die alone,  I’d like this weeks blog to speak and be a voice for. Residing in the country, … More “Alone To Die”

Broken Public Schools and Our Educational System

This quote reflects so many  civilizations misuse, or lack of educating lower class citizens, slaves, conquered or colonized people,  in order to maintain power and control over them through the use of politics in government. This same government system of  educational denial for the purpose of maintaining submissiveness by the less fortunate has been utilized … More Broken Public Schools and Our Educational System